
California Energy Commission
California Energy Commission 150 150 Bhaskar Chaturvedi

“[…] the proposed technology should be considered for subsequent funding within the PIER program […]”

California Energy Commission

Major Power Utility
Major Power Utility 150 150 Valeria Viggiano

“[…]We believe that this technology has the potential to capture CO2 and provide zero GHG heat and power as a retrofit.[…]”

Major Power Utility

Large Engine OEM #1
Large Engine OEM #1 150 150 Valeria Viggiano

“[…]The outcome from the preliminary, leave enough hope to drastically increase efficiency with the potential of zero emissions.[…]”

Large engine OEM #1

Large Engine OEM #2
Large Engine OEM #2 150 150 Valeria Viggiano

“[…]This is a technology with the potential to capture CO2 from NG plants while increasing their electrical power generation efficiency […]”

Large engine OEM #2